twit-hards across the globe are fiending

Well it seems like the apocalypse has finally come...according to avid Twitter users. It seems as if the social stalking networking site has experienced a "denial of service attack" and has shut down momentarily; I'm not even going to pretend that I know that that means because I know nothing about geek lingo but all I know is people are going ape sh*t. Now twit-hards were supposed to be happily tweeting their every movement by 11:30 am but it seems as if the site is still experiencing problems. As a result, all the twit-hards that abandoned facebook and other social networking sites are temporarily denouncing their whoring ways and returning to the sites. However, the increased volume of users has made the sites and the internet in GENERAL slow! So these twats are the ones to blame for facebook's sluggishness. I could not get ANYTHING done! That being said, I can't wait til that happy little bluebird is back up and running because I need facebook to be on it's A-game so I can get some things accomplished!

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